Home is where the camembert is.
Back in 2018, among the many natural disasters that plagued Japan that year, a ray of hope shone down in the form of the Marugoto Camembert Burger from Dom Dom. Although not as large as other burger chains in Japan, Dom Dom always found ways to get people’s attention and this work of art was one of them.
It first appeared on the “Dead Menu Restaurant” segment of the Fuji TV variety program Hiroiki Ariyoshi’s Daretoku, in which restaurant items that were developed but never sold are featured. The visual impact of a double burger sandwiched between two sizable pucks of camembert cheese was an instant hit and Dom Dom decided to sell them in July of 2018 as a result.
▼ Sign from 2018 for the Marugoto Camembert Burger “as seen on Dead Menu Restaurant”
Our own Mr. Sato was lucky enough to try one out during this limited-time release and verified that it did indeed live up to the hype. With an added slice of cheddar cheese in the middle, it was like a cheeseburger on cheese overdrive.
And then, just as soon as it made its shocking entrance, the Marugoto Camembert Burger retreated back to the land of misfit burgers, leaving a gaping cheese-wheel-shaped hole in our hearts.
▼ And I-ee-I…will always love youuuuu…♪
Now I don’t want to say there was a direct correlation between the departure of the Marugoto Camember Burger and the entire world going to crap, but the timing was suspicious…
Regardless, it’s finally coming back to us and can be found at a participating Dom Dom near you in all its cheesy glory for 990 yen (US$8.71) starting 21 December.
Image: Dom Dom
There’s also good news for all those burger fundamentalists who demand that a bread-based bun always be used. For an extra 100 yen ($0.88) Dom Dom will slap a pair of buns on it for you.
Again, I don’t want to suggest that there’s a direct correlation between the return of the Marugoto Camembert Burger and everything getting better, but soon after hearing about it I finally found my toothpick that mysteriously disappeared two days earlier. Yessir, things are certainly looking up.
Source: Dom Dom, Netlab
Photos ©SoraNews24 (Unless otherwise noted)
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